Recently Updated Pages
IA Cycle
IA buttons have an IA Cycle setting that allows them to become IA Cycle buttons. When enabled, th...
Buttons and Pages
One of the most important features of the Mastermind is the ability to redefine buttons. Each but...
Actions are instructions given to the Mastermind to tell it to perform certain tasks. This can be...
Creating Devices
The first thing you'll need to do for a new setup is define one or more devices. The Devices pa...
Presets are the primary way to get many things to happen with a single button press. Each preset ...
Transferring Settings Between Device and Computer
The Mastermind can connect to a Mac or PC computer using a standard USB B cable, often known as a...
Creating a New Configuration
The editor starts up with the factory default configuration. You can always return to factory def...
Editing Buttons
One of the most important features of the Mastermind GT, LT and PBC is the ability to red...
Loading and Saving Settings
Loading Settings The File / Load menu option brings up a file dialog, which lets you select a se...
IA Mode
As discussed in the Buttons and Pages section, there are many button types, including IA (Instant...
Songs And Setlists
For live performances, your presets can be arranged into Songs and Setlists. Using this feature a...
Installation - PC
To install on a PC system, first download the file from the Downloads page on the RJM Music websi...
Installation - Mac
To install on a Mac OS X system, first download the file from the Downloads page on the RJM Music...
System Requirements
The Mastermind GT, LT and PBC editor can run on a Windows PC or a Macintosh running OS X. Window...
Editing Songs and Setlists
Songs Tab Editing Songs To edit a song, go to the Songs Tab. It shows three columns...
Editing Presets
Presets Tab (PBC Version) After setting up devices and buttons, you'll want to set u...
About the Editor Software
The Mastermind GT is a very advanced MIDI controller with extensive capabilities and an LCD over ...